Pen Spinning World Tournament

From Fen Spinner Wiki

The Pen Spinning World Tournament or World Tournament is an international pen spinning competition held every two years since its foundation in 2007.

The aim of the World Tournament is to be the highest level of competition in the hobby, to decide the Pen Spinning World Champion.


The first World Tournament was organized by CrAsH and held in early 2007. It involved 80 spinners from 8 communities, 10 from each. The first 4 rounds were single elimination, reducing the amount of spinners down to 5 finalists. Then two further rounds reduced the 5 remaining spinners to a single winner.

The early judging and round systems of World Tournament 2007 were questionable even for the time, with several unexpected results. For example, 'Speed' was considered as part of the criteria.

Future World Tournaments continually tried to improve upon the criteria and organizing strategy, with results becoming more consistent towards the later years of the hobby, despite a rocky start in the first decade of competition.

World Tournament Events


See also: Pen Spinning World Tournament 2007

The first World Tournament, organized by CrAsH with 80 participants and 6 total rounds. Unexpectedly won by KTH.


See also: Pen Spinning World Tournament 2009

Organized by CrAsH and Zombo, featuring 64 participants with 6 rounds of single elimination. The first successful debut of power tricks in serious competition. Won by Spinnerpeem.


See also: Pen Spinning World Tournament 2011

Organized by Zombo. With 56 participants a group phase with variable group size was introduced for round 1, then 5 rounds of single elimination. Won by S777.


See also: Pen Spinning World Tournament 2013

Organized again by Zombo. The largest World Tournament to date with 105 participants. Despite this, it used the same round format as in 2011. Won by Sutomo.


See also: Pen Spinning World Tournament 2015

Organized for the first time by Zkhan with 64 spinners from 17 communities. Won by Menowa*.


See also: Pen Spinning World Tournament 2017

After originally being cancelled by Zkhan, he eventually organized it in the second half of 2017 after the Pendolsa World Tournament. With 64 spinners from 17 boards and 6 rounds, it was mixed up by the inclusion of two group phases at the beginning. Won by Sirapob.


See also: Pen Spinning World Tournament 2019

First time that the tournament had been split into two halves. With an A side for advanced spinners and a B side for beginners to the competitive scene. Won by i.suk.


See also: Pen Spinning World Tournament 2021

Won by i.suk.


With PBoD experiencing partial disarray and inactivity, World Tournament 2023 was simply never hosted, with no announcement from the group that it would not take place.

PenDolSa World Tournament 2017

After an initial cancellation of World Tournament 2017 by Zkhan, Tez and Mr.LSC from PDS organized a replacement tournament with a 500 USD first prize.

With only 45 participants from 11 boards, PWT17 had a rocky start when future WT19 winner i.suk, masquerading under the alias 'feint' received very low scores and was knocked out in the first round. The controversy over PWT17 resulted in the 'official' World Tournament being announced by Zkhan in the second half of 2017, reversing his previous statement.

Won by Beige from JEB.